Grant Information

Use as much space as you need. However, we are looking for brief responses in most cases. We will ask if additional information is needed.


Provide full legal names of Entities and provide complete legal names for Individuals. English transliterations and/or names using non-English alphabets are acceptable.

This refers to titles such as owner, head guide, director. If the role does not clearly define what the POC does, please add clarification in comments.
Include personal email addresses when possible (Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, etc.). May also include “work” email addresses such as Please do not provide generic email addresses such as “info” or unless there are no personal options available. If generic addresses are provided, please tell us who answers that email.
If yes, please add relevant general scope of work provided in comments.
Please only provide month ranges (for example January – June), unless the specific start and/or stop dates are particularly relevant to the operation. Feel free to use comments to discuss any unusual circumstances.
We are looking for a general assessment only and would like to know whether COVID-19 has led to a complete shutdown, partial loss of revenue, or had limited impact.
This question is designed to help us understand if we could wire money or send funds directly to people in the recipient location. We recognize that this could be a banking challenge at times, and welcome additional comments as required.
We are looking for a general statement only, limited to a few sentences. Can be as simple as “Salaries for staff and regular maintenance for the 2 boats used by the outfitter.”

The general guidance is to provide the funding TOTAL that will get this group/organization/individual through to the next season in the same condition they would be in if there had been a “typical” guest year. This does not need to be precise, and we can always go back and make upward adjustments to grants if the need is truly there.

A. Please round to the nearest thousand and understand that these can be rough estimates.

B. As applicable, break down your organization into groups or name individuals. This is necessary for large organizations to ensure funds get to the correct people. We want to mitigate outcomes which would siphon funds from those in need.

For clarity, this total can include (but is not limited to) the following: 

– Salaries for employees and money that would have been earned (taken out of the business) by “active” owners. This means owners who actively participate in the operation and who rely upon it. This should include an estimate for lost tips for guides and other relevant personnel. 

– Costs of maintaining and/or storing and repairing vessels, fishing equipment, or other items deemed a necessary part of the normal operation of the enterprise. 

– Costs to maintain and/or sustain property directly related to the enterprise. This includes lodging used exclusively or significantly for fishing guests and partners, roads, or other infrastructure not described. 

– Costs associated with planned conservation efforts that would normally have been undertaken (in a normal year) to preserve or enhance the quality of lodging, transportation and/or fisheries. 

– Other items directly related to the normal operation of the enterprise. Please describe in comments if this is a significant portion of the total. 


The Greater Atlanta Area -

The Ambleve Bedrock Foundation
410 Peachtree Parkway, Building 400, Suite 4245,
Cumming, 30041