how we work

Our funding priorities

While the list below is not all inclusive, it does provide a framework for the types of projects and recipients we believe can benefit most from our assistance.


Economic Development Projects that will empower local
populations to build and sustain a more stable place where communities can

May include programs to demonstrate tangible benefits from commercial
and recreational fishery resources to people who are primarily concerned with basic sustenance.



Fishing Guides, Lodges and Outfitters (and their staff) who have seen visitors fall to near zero because of COVID-19 related travel restrictions. Many of these individuals and organizations have lost entire revenue seasons to the pandemic. While tourist travel may return to the world in 2021, we anticipate this need to persist for years to come as people and communities slowly recover. This includes fly and conventional fishing.


Fishery Enhancement and Conservation Program – Grants for people, organizations and government sponsored agencies that engage directly in conservation related work to develop new fisheries, enable new fishery access, or preserve and enhance existing fisheries. Includes education and research based programs.

We work with established partners in conservation and recreational fishing related sectors to identify organizations and communities which are under significant economic strain due to global conditions (COVID-19 being the present issue of top importance). Based upon these inputs, we help develop grant scenarios to address specific needs regionally and evaluate those against global need. We then make often difficult decisions on grant provisions, ensuring that the aid we provide gets to those who need it most and has maximum impact.

For any particular grant, some portion of this aid goes to sustain companies and organizations that work in economically devastated areas where 100% of tourist travel has been curtailed for a protracted term and multiple years of revenue have been completely lost. Additional funds support the people in those communities who individually need to provide for their families, but who have seen their income cut to near zero. Still other funds go to find alternatives to poaching and conserve the resources themselves, a significant hurdle in many regions.


Secure (Community x People x Conservation)